Unexpected Joys of Parenthood


There are definitely times in parenthood where you know you are going to be excited about a new development, milestone or victory! For example, when your baby starts walking, or when they say their first word or when they are able to play on the playground without adult assistance. These are times that are joyous and it’s pretty obvious you feel excited about it. This post is about unexpected joys of parenthood.

Those moments where you surprise yourself smiling while doing something seemingly mundane or challenging, yet it evokes delight, peace and comfort in your heart.

One of those times for me is packing my oldest daughter’s lunch for school.

As I swipe the almond butter on the celery stick, I imagine her playing with her friends at school, hearing stories, painting. Enjoying childhood with her trusted caregivers and mentors. It brings me warmth thinking about her growing each day, at her own pace, surrounded by love and support for her individuality. I reminisce about her infancy and toddlerhood, thinking of times where she required full assistance in drinking milk and then moving on to solid foods.

In the evening, when the children are sleeping and I am in the kitchen preparing for the next day’s activities and events, my husband often offers to help me pack her lunch. He starts grabbing the sunflower butter and opens the cabinet where the cutting boards are kept. “No…” I interject. “I can do it.”.

When in my heart, I am thinking “I WANT to do it”. It is so much more than making a lunch for her. It is an act of love, for my love, that happens to quiet my loud mind. For just a moment, time stands still, and I am thrown into a time where I intentionally consider all that my daughter has become.

This is one of those unexpected tasks that I love doing as a mother.

What about you? What tasks have you surprised yourself about that you absolutely love!?

(Lunch box pictured is Planet Box. The reusable pouch pictured is Squooshi.)